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How to contribute documentation

[note] Before contributing documentation, you should review the MAAS documentation style guide. [/note]

There are essentially two ways to contribute to the MAAS documentation: by editing an existing document, or comment on it if you're unsure exactly what to edit.

Editing an existing document

You can edit an existing document this way:

  1. Go to the MAAS documentation.

  2. Go to the document you want to edit.

  3. Select Help improve this document in the forum. at the bottom of the browser window.

  4. Choose the "pencil in a box next to a number" icon, just below and to the right of the title bar. A pop-up will appear and load.

  5. Choose Edit Wiki, lower right centre of the pop-up window. The pop-up window will vanish, and another pop-up will appear. This pop-up has side-by-side editing and preview screens, which track each other somewhat.

  6. In the left (editing) pane, find the text you want to change and edit it.

  7. Choose Save Edit at the lower left of the pop-up window.

Your changes are now part of the document. Note that it may take 24 hours for your updates to be posted to the main documentation site.

Commenting on an existing document

If you're not sure exactly what to change, you can comment on an existing document this way:

  1. Go to the MAAS documentation.

  2. Go to the document you want to comment on.

  3. Select Help improve this document in the forum. at the bottom of the browser window.

  4. Go to the bottom of the the Discourse document that comes up.

  5. Choose Reply toward the bottom centre of the document text.

  6. Enter your comment where it says Type here....

  7. Choose Reply to save your comment, or Cancel to change your mind.

Someone should see your comment shortly and respond.